My Workspace – 30 Days to a Better Blog

Yesterday I told you about a challenge I created for myself – 30 Days to a Better Blog. Well, today I thought I’d show you where I plan to write all those blog posts. My “office” is in the corner of my bedroom. Not very glamorous, I know, but it’s all I’ve got right now. I don’t mind working in my bedroom because it’s the warmest room in the house, but it’s also super bright. I need to figure out a way to tone down the light in the middle of the day because I can’t see my monitor well enough to edit. Unfortunately, this is the only wall I can put my desk so I just have to make it work. I like to fill my workspace with pictures and drawings my children make. I bought the screen you see in the top left image at Home Goods and used clothespins to attach some of my favorite instagram pictures and photo booth shots. There are a few inspirational sayings on there too. My fave is “Thoughts are things, they have tremendous power. Thoughts of doubt and fear are pathways to failure. When you conquer negative attitudes of doubt and fear you conquer failure. Thoughts crystallize into habit and habit solidifies into circumstances. – Bryan Adams.

30 Days to a Better Blog - Stacy Mae Photography

That little area above my desk is new. I found these pretty pieces of adhesive fabric and stuff them up on the wall. The, I added more pictures and fun sayings with washi tape. I wanted to put up more pictures of my dad. I can’t believe that this month marks 4 years since he’s been gone. I also put up a couple of my new favorite shots from Origrami. If you haven’t heard of them, go check them out! It’s my favorite place to print instagrams!

30 Days to a Better Blog - Stacy Mae Photography

I try to keep my workspace as organized as possible, but I must admit it’s difficult. It’s a small space so there’s not a ton of room to store things. I do have a few drawers which helps. One of these days, I’ll have a proper studio and move my workspace there. Until then, I will just drool over my Studio Envy board on Pinterest. Thanks for checking out my space! Come back tomorrow to find out how I got started in photography. I’ll also be sharing some of my favorite resources for beginners.


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