Why the Ordinary is So Extraordinary


This is everything.

This is my why.

This is why I do what I do.

Please watch.

He’s leaving his grandchildren with hundred of photographs. All of them valuable. Not because they were taken by a professional or because they cost a lot of money. They are valuable because they represent his legacy. They are a bridge to the past. He’s leaving his grandchildren with memories. With stories. Not money or material things. “You can’t put a price on that.”

Look at the images in the video too. Some are professional shots, but most are everyday snapshots. The big moments are when most people take our their cameras. Birthdays, holidays, special occasions. But it’s the everyday moments that are often left on the cutting room floor.

What if I told you those everyday moments are the most important elements in your family’s story?

Little miracles occur all throughout the day and nobody thinks about capturing them. Why?

Because the ordinary details of our day seem so unphotogenic? Or is it because we are so busy nowadays that we don’t have time to stop and see the magic in the mess?

I love looking back at old pictures from my childhood. I like to see my room, my clothes, what my hair looked like, the toys I played with. I love picking out things that were special to me as a kid. I love seeing my mom in pictures and my brothers and sister.

Every time I watch this video, it makes me cry (and I’ve watched it several times!). The gentleman speaking sums up exactly how I feel about pictures. Unfortunately, it wasn’t until my dad passed away that it really hit home. Isn’t that how it usually happens? You don’t realize what you’ve got until it’s gone.

What kind of legacy are you building for your children? It’s not too late! Start today. Even if it’s with your iPhone. Take more pictures. Everyday.




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