Why It Is Important For You To Be In Pictures With Your Kids

As a mom, I bet you’re the one who is always behind the camera taking pictures of your kids, am I right? And I’m also going to guess you feel like you’re bothering someone by asking your partner or a stranger to take a photo with your kids? I can totally relate! Not being in pictures with your kids is a common struggle that I see with a lot of moms. 

Part of you is probably happy to be behind the camera because of insecurities you may have (hi, it’s me!) and then a part of you might be sad because you wish you had beautiful photos to look back on. Both feelings are totally normal and okay to have. But, I really want to encourage you to start getting into more pictures with your kids.

I know you have a million excuses for not being in pictures with your littles, whether that is: Not loving the way you look, feeling like you don’t have time, you don’t know how, don’t have the equipment, feeling like your kids won’t cooperate.

I created a free photo challenge with YOU in mind, with a solution to this EXACT problem.

Don’t let another Christmas go by without proof that you were there – decorating gingerbread houses, baking cookies, and doing all the fun holiday things. This photo challenge will show you how easy it can be to be present in the moment and be part of the memories you’re creating. Let’s do this mama!


I also just want to remind you again, years from now, you’ll have those physical pictures of those memories with your kids. So, not only will you cherish them but I promise your kids will as well. So, instead of them asking why there are no pictures with mom, let’s start creating them instead.

You are an amazing mama & deserve to have these memories with your littles.

Join this challenge HERE, to learn exactly how to do it, so you won’t miss another Holiday not being a part of the pictures and the fun.

Let’s make this a Holiday season to remember, because you are just as important to document with your family.

Let me know if you have any questions & I cannot wait to see you guys there at the challenge!


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