Why I Encourage You To Start Taking More Pictures

When I became a mom 19 years ago, I was obsessed with documenting everything about my new baby. Back then, there were no camera phones either, so I had a film camera. I would take the film from that camera to get developed and then I would get doubles of EVERYTHING. 

The thing I loved most about photography as a new mom was the way it forced me to slow down and just be present. I was able to see the magic in the mundane. And that is something that I don’t want to forget, is that. 

And I want you to see & feel that magic as well.

I would love to encourage and inspire you to photograph your family more intentionally and maybe help you document your motherhood journey. Picking up a camera has helped me connect with other moms (like you) and connect to my role as a mom. Maybe it can do that for you too!

Photography is an amazing creative outlet for moms. It has the power to impact your motherhood journey in ways you’d never imagine. You become so much more observant and aware of the little things that happen throughout the day. You start to notice things like light and shadows, patterns and color, but also emotions and relationships. You begin to seek out meaningful moments and expressions.

Photography gives you a way to express yourself. After I became a mom, I struggled with figuring out who I was outside of motherhood. Once I picked up a camera and started documenting our life at home, I started to feel like myself again.

Sometimes the days seem so long and I often feel overwhelmed with all of the stuff that needs to get done. Time stops when I grab my camera though. I’m fully present in the moment, watching it unfold.

There is when you see the magic in the mundane & then you’ll have memories to look back on years and years from now. I promise you won’t regret having those memories.

I post all the tips & tricks to get started with taking some pretty cute pictures with your littles but the first and the best tip I can give you is just to START. Just start. You’ll get better with time, more comfortable & will learn lots as well.

If you are wanting to start taking more pictures of your little family & connect with other moms as well, make sure you checkout the Memory Keepers Club! You’ll learn how to use your camera more effectively and creatively, get all the best tips for joining in the pictures (because you are important to document with your little’s as well) and so much more. Check it out HERE


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