This Blog’s Purpose

I’ve struggled for a long time with how to use this blog. Typically I post client images, whether they be sneak peeks or full sessions, as well as information about me and my business. There’s no real rhyme or reason behind what I post. The only thing I know for sure if that I need to be posting. If I’m not blogging and putting myself out there, then how will clients find me? I want to expand my reach and blogging can help me do that.

Inspirational Quote


So, I’ve spent the last few weeks devouring business blogs and listening to webinars trying to figure out how to make this work. I tried to look outside of the photography industry too and found the fantastic Elle & Co., and Maria Forleo. The one thing that kept coming up was the idea of finding my ideal client and providing them with a service. Clients come to me for beautiful pictures, but what else can I do for them? What skills do I have that could benefit them? This blog post from Lauren at Elle & Co. really hit home. And this sentence specifically, “Your business should meet a need and play to your strengths, but even more importantly, you should be striving to make it one-of-a-kind.” Well, duh! I’m a photographer. I’m in the business of pictures. I can use this blog to help my clients take better pictures. I’ve taught classes before, but there is so much more to photography than just the basics. Plus, I want to carve out a niche specifically for moms. With a clear focus for this blog, I can finally put together a schedule and put together consistent content. Here’s what I came up with.

This blog’s purpose: To be a source of information and inspiration for clients to develop their own photography skills so that they can begin to capture better every day images of their children.

This is how it’ll work. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday you’ll get a new blog post with photography tips. This may end of changing as I figure out what works and what doesn’t. Then, I’ll follow up on Instagram with photos to show you more about the topic. If you follow me on IG, you’ve already seen a few of these posts. Check the hashtag #smphotoschool to see what I’m talking about. I think this is the best way to streamline how I push out all of the info. Eventually, there will be a library of videos that you can subscribe to as well. I’ve hired a very talented junior employee for the summer – my 12 year old!

And don’t be shy! I want this to be interactive. If there’s something you want to know, ask me!




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