The Picture That Changed it All

I’ve got something pretty cool to share with you today. The exact picture I took that changed my life!

It was many, many years ago when my daughter Julianna was 4 years old. My husband owned a mustang at the time and we were driving around. Julianna was in the back seat and I had my camera with me. My new Canon Rebel. Hubby had just bought it for me as a Christmas gift. I had been practicing like crazy and I brought it everywhere. I had just started learning about  natural light and was struggling with how to use it. I wasn’t sure how to capture those beautiful catchlights I read about. I turned around to check on her in the back seat and that’s when I noticed it. Her eyes!


There it was. Right there in front of me. Here eyes looked so beautiful. They had that sparkle I kept trying to capture. Catchlights!

This is the picture that started it all. I became obsessed with close-ups and capturing that sparkle. I couldn’t do it without understanding light though and how to use it though.

Click & Capture Your Everyday can teach you this! You can take pictures just like this of your own kids! I’ve spent years studying natural light and I want show you some simple tricks that you can use to start capturing better, more creative shots of your children. Light is the key ingredient in photography. If you don’t have good light, you won’t have a good photograph. It’s that simple! In this course, I am going to show you how to identify good light, how to shoot indoors, how to shoot outdoors in full sun, and how to get those beautiful catchlights.

Learning about light was a major game changer in my photography. Once understood how to use it, my pictures improved dramatically. And so can yours!

One of the trickiest lighting scenarios for me to learn was backlighting. I LOVE sun-soaked, beautiful, golden, backlit images, but I struggled so much when I tried to do it myself. My images always came out so hazy. My subject ended up too dark and it never looked the way I wanted it too. It wasn’t until I discovered that time and angle play a crucial role in achieving dreamy, backlit images. I will show you exactly what I mean in the course!

Click & Capture Your Everyday E-Course. Learn how to photograph your everyday with intention, get more creative shots of your children, capture genuine emotion and connection, and be present in your own family photos.


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