Picsy Photography Shares 5 Tips for Photographing Your Children Using an iPhone

Have you ever wondered how some of the most popular photographers capture their own children? I know I do! Do their children whine and complain or make silly faces like mine? What tactics do they use for photographing their everyday? Today, Robin Hansen of Picsy Photography, is sharing her tips for photographing your children using an iPhone.

“As a photographer, I rarely have time to take out my big “fancy” camera.  I find the best way to capture my own kids’ childhood memories is with the simple, stress free iPhone. My kids are less likely to pose for the iPhone, and I find that I can get more natural, candid, every day lifestyle shots of their cuteness.”

 1. Light– Photography is all about finding that soft and diffused light.  Cloudy days are perfect when you are outside when the sun is high, as direct sunlight causes harsh shadows. The BEST natural light is during early morning sunrise or evening sunset as the light is much softer and allows for some beautiful sun flare opportunities.  If you are in your home during the day, look for diffused directional light coming from windows or open doors.

2. Focus-The built-in camera on your phone will let you touch the screen to set where you want it to focus. You can touch the subject in the photo if you want to auto-focus on their face, or touch the closest thing on the screen to adjust the depth of field. Easy peasy!

3. Emotion– Do you ever notice that when you take your camera out, your kids get all serious or annoyed with you because you are forcing a picture out of them?  I much rather capture those “real” moments where my kids are just having fun. If I’m relaxed, they are relaxed. If I’m being silly, they act silly. If I’m all snuggly, they want to snuggle. I find that my mood transfers over to them, and allows me to capture those wonderful moments of them being themselves. It’s the best!

4. Unposed– Sometimes the best time to photograph your children is during those quiet moments of the day. Either when they are napping, or playing alone in their room.  When my kids are off in their own little world, I love to sneak up on them and capture those magical photos when they are completely oblivious to me being in the same room as them.  These unposed captures are always my favorite.

5. Apps– Don’t be afraid to use an iPhone app to edit some of your favorite images.  My go to app is PicTapGo. I can adjust my exposure, contrast, saturation, and add filters that fit my style while adjusting the opacity of each edit so it’s natural. This app also allows me to post on Instagram without cropping the original size of the image.  So no more square cropping if the image wasn’t intended to be that orientation.

Josie napping = sick days. Get better, sweet face. ?? #sickdays #nofun

A photo posted by picsy photography (@picsyphoto) on

Cheeeeeeese curds!!!!! #getinmybelly #wisconsin #cheesecurds #fairfood A photo posted by picsy photography (@picsyphoto) on

Thanks so much to Robin for sharing these awesome tips with us! Go check out her beautiful work on Facebook.

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