Love it or Leave it – Happy Chaos Photography

Photographer interview series from Stacy Mae Photography

I’ve been wanting to do a regular series for a while now that features some of my favorite photographers and I finally got my act together. I love reading photographer interviews, don’t you? You can learn so much about a person. How they got started. Who inspires them. What kind of gear they shoot with. But I didn’t want to ask the same old questions. I want to have a little fun! Because, let’s face it, the fun stuff is what makes people more relatable. I’m going to pick a few relevant topics each week and a featured photographer will reveal whether they love it or could live without it (leave it).

First up is Natasha from Happy Chaos Photography. Natasha is a mom of twins and I imagine her business name reflects her personal life. Ha! She’s based in NJ (just like me!) and we’ve been motivating each other for the past few months. It’s only fitting she’s my first feature 🙂

Website I Facebook I Instagram

 Love it or Leave it ….

Doughnuts – Love it
Fifty Shades of Grey – eh, Leave it
Ed Sheeran – Leave it, but I only know one song so I’ll have to try and listen to more
The Breakfast Club – love it!!
Grumpy Cat – Leave it
red wine – Love it

So now that you know a little more about her, go check out her awesome work.

Annnnnddd, what do you think about the new blog???? Let me know if the comments. I’m super excited to amp things up here. Check back Sunday for my first in another new series called 30 Days to a Better Blog. I’ll be writing something new every day. Yes, every day! It’s going to be a challenge for me, but I’m determined to do it. Part of my issue with blogging is writing for an audience that is not really there. Because there’s not much interaction with blogs these days (dam you Facebook!), it’s hard to know who’s actually reading. So it’s kind of anticlimactic to write something really awesome and then have no one read it. My trick this time around is to silence those voices in my head that say, “why bother,” and just go for it. I’m basically going to pretend that I have an audience so that I can get into the habit of writing. It may be not revolutionary, but I think it’ll work. Wish me luck!!


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