One Simple Trick to Improve Your Photography Today!

I’m bringing back an old blog post today about changing your perspective in photography. Check out my old logo!


A Simple Trick to Improve Your Photography Today - #photography #tips

Your perspective is your point of view. In photography, there are several ways you can communicate that. You can shoot your subject from a variety of angles. Don’t just stand in front of them and snap away. Think about the story you are trying to tell. If you’ve got young children, try shooting them from a lower angle to make them appear larger than life and more grown up.

2 kids jumping on a bed

dog on swing set

As adults, we’re so used to taking pictures from our point of view ~ standing over our children. Try getting down on their level next time. See things from their point of view.

infant sitting up

close up of crayons

You can also get up high and shoot over your subject for a bird’s eye view.

little girl laying on a fur rug

little boy kissing newborn baby girl

So the next time you have your camera out and you’re taking pictures of your children, try switching up your perspective. It’ll make a world of difference in your photos and help turn those everyday snapshots into frame worthy treasures.


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