Love It or Leave It – Heidi Hope

Fun photographer interviews by Stacy Mae Photography

If you’ve visited the blog in the past two weeks you’ve seen a few posts about this amazing woman. Heidi Hope is a talented photographer in Rhode Island and I was lucky enough to attend her Baby Boutique Workshop. I’ve been to a few workshops in the past and this was by far the most inspiring. Not just because of the gorgeous models and creative sets, but Heidi’s ability to excite the people around her is unmatched! I came home feeling totally motivated and have already started to make some important changes in my business. In fact, I hope you’ll join me next week for the #stacymaelaunchparty to announce the newly branded Stacy Mae Photography. For a full week starting April 1, I’ll be rolling out all the fun new goodies I have in store for clients and there will be giveaway galore. You won’t want to miss it!

Back to miss Heidi, just yesterday she posted this amazing video for her Photographer Rising Retreat (which sounds Ah-mazing!!) and my heart filled up. Her words are everything in this video. Check it out when you have a minute. While I was at the Baby Boutique workshop, I asked Heidi to participate in my Love It or Leave It blog series. Of course she agreed because she’s pretty awesome!

Website I Facebook I Instagram

New England Patriots – LOVE IT! (ok this is pretty obvious!)

Rose – LOVE IT.

Cookies and Cream – LEAVE IT. I’m a coffee girl!

Rum – LOVE IT! (not for the next 9 months though. Heidi recently announced she’s expecting her 3rd!) Our daughters share the same name – Julianna! (except hers is spelled with a G)

Ferris Wheels – LOVE IT. Shaun (her hubby) hates it though. He’d much rather watch.

High Heels – LOVE IT!



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