Fun Christmas Photos Ideas To Do With Your Littles

Capturing memories with your family is something you’re going to cherish for the rest of your life. Not only you, but your whole family. It’s important to capture the special moments and also the everyday ones as well.  That is exactly why I started the Memory Keeper’s Club, for the mama’s who want to capture all the memories with their littles because they will never be this little again.

If you’re looking for some ideas to capture special memories this season, check out these ideas below…

Decorating the Christmas tree is one of my favorite family traditions because it’s something we can all do together. Plus, it’s a great opportunity to document how our family celebrates the holidays. 

1. Your favorite ornaments. If you have too many favorites, take a photo of the container they’re stored in so you can see a whole bunch in one shot.

2. A wide view of the entire tree. Remember to turn your camera vertical to capture the height of the tree. Olivia grabbed her camera when we were done decorating, but she was holding it horizontally. I told her to turn it sideways so that she didn’t cut off any part of the tree.

3. A little one being held to put an ornament on the tree. Or putting the tree topper on. Have an older sibling help or a parent. This would be a good opportunity for you to get in the photo!

4. Little hands hanging up an ornament. Detail shots are so fun and help to tell the story of the moment you’re trying to capture.

5. You! If you’ve learned anything these past couple of weeks, it’s that you deserve to be in photos! No excuses. Set up your phone and use the Lens Buddy app or hand the camera over and let someone else take the photo.

To get that blurry sparkle from the Christmas tree lights, don’t have them sit too close to it. Make sure there’s enough space so that the tree is out of focus in the background. You can use portrait mode on your phone too. There’s also an app called Focus that will add even more blur.

Let me know what you think about these ideas & if you try them with your littles, don’t forget to tag me on instagram @stacymaeandco and follow me!

All of these photo ideas and so much more are included each month in The Memory Keepers Club. I love sharing creative ways to capture your family! The holidays offer so many opportunities to take photos and I’m excited to share some of my ideas in December’s photo challenge inside the club. Join HERE.


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