5 on Friday – Why I Would Totally Leave my Husband For Jimmy Fallon

I’m bringing it back. Five things I’m crushing on this week.

5. If you are looking for something fun to follow on Facebook, check out this page.  I’m About to Pitch a Fit is a photography community which showcases images of kids about to throw a tantrum. I’ve seen my share of those in the last few years.

4. Instagram eye candy – Beth Deschamp is a fabulous photographer and her Instagram account is full of simple, elegant beauty. I’m participating in her 365 Project this year along with my 11 year old. She’s keeping me accountable or else I’d already be forgetting.

3. Jimmy Fallon. What’s not to love? Everything he does makes me happy. This one had me rolling on the floor. Whenever I need a pick-me-up, I just log on to his channel on You Tube. <3

2. I’ve been eyeing this book since it was announced and I would LOVE to own it. The price tag is a little hefty, but I’m dying to see the pullbacks. It’s so neat to see how other photographers work. Maybe I should add it to my wishlist for Valentine’s Day?

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1. And finally, I read about this on Laura Winslow’s blog and it looks so cool. A monthly box filled with goodies just for moms. She’s also hosting a giveaway if you want to try and win one!






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