3 Ways to Make Back to School Special

This time of year is usually full of excitement and anticipation. I can remember my girls waiting anxiously for the mailman to arrive so they could find out who their teachers were. Now it’s all done online, but those memories are still so vivid for me.

Going back to school shopping is another tradition the girls love. The funny thing is they love shopping for supplies more than clothes! They always had to have new backpacks, notebooks, pens, and pencils.

I’ve always tried to do something fun on the first day of school to help calm the nerves and anxiety that inevitably creep in. Usually it’s a special breakfast or an after school snack.

This year back to school is going to look a lot different for so many kids and I think it’s more important than ever to help ease the transition. Whether you’re doing in person instruction, a hybrid model, or full on homeschooling, there are some simple things you can do to make the first day of school memorable.

1. Go Bold with Breakfast

The possibilities are endless here. A quick search on Pinterest will provide you with an overwhelming list of ideas. Keep it simple though. You don’t have to make everything Pinterest worthy to make it memorable for your kids. I love the idea of a waffle bar. You really don’t need anything fancy, just putting out some fun toppings in cute bowls is enough to make it special. Try fresh fruit like blueberries and strawberries, bananas, chocolate chips, m&m’s, nuts, syrup, whipped cream, and top it all off with some colorful sprinkles because sprinkles make everything more festive! you could even do this with pancakes too.

2. Interview the Kids

This is a fun way to capture your kid’s personalities and a wonderful keepsake to look back on as they get older. Positively Splendid has adorable printable questionnaire’s that the kids can fill out on the first day. I also love this printable interview from Tater Tots and Jello because it asks what they are nervous about and what they are looking forward to. Plus they go all the way up to 12th grade so I could print one for my senior in high school!

3. Don’t Forget a Photo!

This is another simple way to make back to school memorable. It’s a special time for our kids, but it’s also unprecedented. COVID-19 is changing the way our kids will experience school this year. Masks, plexiglass, socially distanced lunchrooms, in some cases no lunch at all. Maybe you’ve decided to homeschool and that means sitting at a desk in your living room. However your kids are going back to school, I still think it should be celebrated. First day of school photos are a must! I love documenting the kids in their new clothes and seeing how much they’ve grown year after year. I also love logging on to Facebook to see everyone else’s first day photos.

There are a ton of simple props you can use for a first day of school photo – letterboard, chalkboard sign, banners, sidewalk chalk etc. The most important thing is not the props though. Creating traditions should be memorable and fun!

Bonus: Photo Tips

Get up a little early so you’re not stressed about time. Keep it short. Don’t take a million photos. Get a full body shot. Move in close to see their smiling face and then capture a few details – their new backpack, your little girl’s french braid, new shoes, etc. Oh and make sure your camera batter is charged and ready to go and that you have space on your memory card!

Best of luck on a new school year. You got this mama!!


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